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The Empowering Journey of Prof Andrea Warner: From White to Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu for women

jiu jitsu for women

At Gracie Barra West Jordan, we’re excited to sit down with Professor Andrea Warner, who recently earned her Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt. As a key figure in our Jiu Jitsu classes for women, Professor Andrea’s journey from white to black belt is both inspiring and insightful.

In this interview, we’ll explore her challenges, triumphs, and the wisdom she’s gained along the way. Whether you’re a BJJ enthusiast or considering your first class, Professor Andrea’s story offers valuable perspectives on the transformative power of Jiu Jitsu classes for women.

Congratulations on your recent black belt promotion, Professor Andrea! What was it like to experience this long-awaited moment?

I have to admit I was very anxious about receiving my black belt. I had a lot of insecurities about it, it is very easy to look around and start comparing yourself to others. But the truth is this sport looks different for everyone, we all have different goals and reasons for our training. I fell in love with Jiu-Jitsu because it was fun! It has helped me find confidence in myself, and work through those insecurities. I have practiced Jiu-Jitsu for over 10 years! So I had to accept it, I put in the time and effort. The day of my belt ceremony I was filled with so much excitement! I did it! I stuck with it even though it was hard. What an awesome feeling! It was an incredible day.

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The day of my belt ceremony I was filled with so much excitement! I did it! – Prof. Andrea

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced during your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu journey, and how did you overcome them?

Being a woman I have often felt discouraged by the obvious advantage of strength men have. There were many days that I felt defeated and I questioned if I was making any progress. When those days come I always try to think of that feeling I had after my 1st class. I knew that this sport was going to help me find myself, find my confidence, and find my voice. I can see the positive impact it has had on my life, and with that perspective, there is no way I am going to give up.

How has your perspective on Jiu Jitsu evolved from when you first started to now, as a black belt instructor?

What I have found is that the journey from white to black is an evolution. The average time it takes to earn a black belt is 10 years, that is a long time! People change a lot over 10 years, so it is natural that my focus has changed. My time as a white and blue belt were selfish years, meaning I only thought about my growth. But as I matured in my belt I found I wanted to help others more in their progression. I have learned that I love to teach. I love the connection with the students and also love it when I see the technique click with someone. I especially love teaching my Jiu Jitsu for women classes! They are so inspiring to me, and we always have so much fun.

Many women might feel intimidated to start Brazilian Jiu Jitsu thinking it is too masculine of a sport. What would you say to encourage them to try Jiu Jitsu for women classes at one of Gracie Barra Utah’s schools?

I would beg them to come! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the most applicable martial art when it comes to self-defense. The skills learned on the mat could literally save your life if god forbid you are put in a dangerous situation. Yes, of course it is a sport, but let’s not forget its foundation is self-defense. Women that show up and keep training are empowered! I wish every woman would participate in women’s Jiu Jitsu classes.

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I wish every woman would participate in women’s Jiu Jitsu classes.

What’s the most valuable life lesson you’ve learned through your Jiu Jitsu practice?

To breathe and relax under pressure, stress, and fear. It has taught me to slow down and face my problems. It has also taught me that I can do hard things!

As an instructor, what unique aspects do you bring to the Jiu Jitsu classes for women at Gracie Barra Utah’s schools?

I can relate to their struggles and fears. It can be intimidating and hard training with men. I am able to teach details to techniques that are specific to the needs of women. Women need to focus more on the technique because of their smaller size, especially going against someone bigger and stronger.

Can you share a particularly memorable moment from your journey that reinforced your commitment to Jiu Jitsu?

I have had the opportunity to teach private lessons to a handful of very brave women who suffer from extreme trauma. I am honored to be trusted by these women to enter into their space and teach them what I believe to be life saving. Through Jiu-Jitsu women are able to start healing and get back their power.

Professor Andrea, did you have any funny bloopers during your journey from white to black belt in Jiu Jitsu that you’d like to share?

Absolutely! I split my pants straight down the back doing a deep squat on the mat. It did a loud ripping sound and I went running to hide in the office! At the time I was mortified, thankfully I can now laugh.

What advice would you give to white belt women who are just starting their Jiu Jitsu journey?

Don’t compare yourself to anyone and I understand this is a marathon, not a race. This is a lifelong learning opportunity that will enhance your life in so many ways, just don’t give up!

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Jiu-Jitsu teaches you to problem solve and to remain calm under pressure. – Prof. Andrea

How has being part of the Gracie Barra community

contributed to your growth both on and off the mat?

It reminds me daily that we are all constantly learning and it is okay to ask for help. In Jiu-Jitsu you rely on your partners to help you learn, you can’t do it alone!

We offer a free trial Jiu Jitsu class for women at Gracie Barra Utah’s schools. What can women expect from this experience?

In our Jiu Jitsu classes for women expect to be treated with respect and kindness, everyone is there to help the new people. Expect to feel like a fish out of water and that is okay! Be easy on yourself and have fun.

In your opinion, what are the key benefits of Jiu Jitsu for women, both physically and mentally?

Jiu-Jitsu is amazing cardio and strength training in one, it has also motivated me to live a healthy and fit lifestyle so I can be more effective on the mat. My flexibility and mobility continues to improve. This year I turned 45 and because of my Jiu-Jitsu journey I am stronger than I was in my 20’s. Mentally it is training me to face challenges no matter how big or small. Jiu-Jitsu teaches you to problem solve and to remain calm under pressure.

How do you balance your Jiu Jitsu training and teaching with other aspects of your life?

It’s understanding there is a time and season for everything. I am a mom of 4, it was really hard to get to class when we had football, soccer, and dance practices. Now that my kids are older I have more time for myself. Now that I teach more I am training less, it has become more of my focus, and I tell myself that is okay! I also make sure everyday I am taking some time for myself to exercise, meditate, and be outside. With the businesses, teaching, family, a home, dogs, friends, and training I give myself grace not to be everything to everyone and to not forget myself!

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Proudly celebrating Mom’s achievement!

What’s your vision for the women’s Jiu Jitsu program at Gracie Barra Utah, and how do you plan to grow it?

To provide a safe space that is welcoming and fun! I want the ladies to love the experience that they keep coming back! I will add more women’s classes to the schedule as we grow as well as special self-defense classes. I also want to start socializing outside of the gym and grow a true community.

Finally, what would you say to a woman who’s on the fence about trying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Do it and do it now! You won’t regret it.

If you want to know more about Prof. Andrea click here. If you want to be part of our Jiu Jitsu for women class, book a free trial here!

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Andrea Warner

Andrea Warner